Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today was alright. I got another job. This one is at an ice cream/pizza shop. I think it's probably just going to be for the summer, but who knows. I need to figure out when I'm going to work there, so I can figure out when I'm going to work my first job. I think it will be okay because I usually work days, and so far I'm just working nights there. I'm hoping they don't interfere too much, cause I need as many hours as possible. The money situation sucks right now.

Anyways, I took Ollie for a walk tonight. We went around the block, then down the street almost to the river, then back around the block the other way. He was pooped after and came upstairs to get a drink, then fell right to sleep. I hope working two jobs is going to be okay with him. I don't want him to feel neglected! I'm going to be exhausted, but I really need to make sure to walk him a lot.

Tonight was good. I was watching a movie downstairs and then Andy and Val came downstairs and asked if I wanted to play some scrabble card game. It was pretty fun, and it was nice to actually do something instead of just sitting there and watching tv.

I miss Evan. I really want him to come see me, but he seems really against it. I understand he doesn't want to make the trip, but it sucks that he would rather just not drive than come see me. I would be there in a second if I didn't work literally every day of the week. My next day off is June 24th as if right now, so I really can't go down there. Uuugh. Hopefully we get to see each other before that. Being away from each other is really hard. Oh well, we'll figure it out.

Okay I'm done. I had to write this on the stupid iPhone because I no longer have a working computer. JUNK!


  1. It's tough. Evan doesn't have a car yet (Grandpa seems very adamant about no one using for me!) and he keeps asking my dad to get the ball rolling on the other car to no avail. I can understand having driven back and forth for the past couple of weeks being tiring, and it makes sense to not want to drive up for a day or two even if he's lucky. After being away for so long, I'm sure on his very rare day off he wants to hang home or see some friends he hasn't seen in a while. As far as I know he hasn't really done much other than work. :/ I haven't even gotten to really see him. It sucks.

    What about Jamaica!??!?! Hopefully once this summer gets settled, schedules will be different and you can both find time to visit each other. I'm sure after living together, a summer apart seems so weird.

  2. Yeah I definitely understand. He works so much that on his day off he should relax and hang out with friends and family. It's unrealistic for me to ask him to come up here, when I know there are people there who get to see him way less than I do.

    Jamaica will be great though!! I can't wait! I'm going to burn so bad though...

  3. Ohh and yes it is weird. Without him living here, I feel like the third wheel all of the time. Haha oh well.
