Monday, April 26, 2010

I started my new job. It's going to be interesting to say the least. I work with mostly older people, though I do have one client who is only 39. Basically I do whatever the person wants me to do. Like this weekend, I cleaned an apartment for someone. I also have to help people get dressed, bathe (including sponge baths - EW) and help them eat and stuff. So far I don't really mind it TOO much. I don't really like giving people baths..but I'm already getting used to it. I feel like it's more embarrassing to them, than it is to me. I was suppose to be at work right now, but I got a call saying my client wasn't doing very well, and that he had to go to the hospital, so no work for me right now. I have to work at 4 though. My shifts aren't like regular work shifts. They are only usually 3 hours at a time at most, and three hours with these clients is PLENTY for a day.

I wrote that yesterday before I went to work. Yesterday at work was so shitty. The hardest day by far. This lady was extremely cranky, and took it out on me. I was literally standing in the kitchen, almost in tears because she was just such a bitch to me. Ugh. The first thing she said when she saw me was, "another new girl?!? I'm SICK of them sending me new girls!" Thanks lady, way to make me feel welcomed. She probably has so many new girls all the time because she's such an ass to everyone, and no one wants to work with her. Oh well, I need to stick it out. This job will look really good on my resume, so I need to suck it up and deal with it. It's hard though. I just wish that for once I was in a job that I actually liked.

Anyway. I'm really looking forward to Jamaica. I'm requesting June 24th-July 5th off, so I won't have to go right back to work the second I get back. Can't wait!!

Tomorrow is going to suuuuccckkkk. I have class from 10-12, I have to run to Hudson to work with a client from 1230-230, I have to go back to the bitchy lady from 4-7, and then I have to bring Evan to Portland or something to meet his mom half way. Then I get to drive home and sleeeeeep. I'm going to be ridiculously exhausted. Oh well.

Okay, time for physical therapy.

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